A Wilderness Experience With Heart

At least once in life we find ourselves faced with the question, Am I brave enough? Do I have what it takes? And sometimes, most times, the only way to find out is to take the leap… One such time now faces the team of […]

Please Leave Me Here, The Art and I Are Bonding

I can tell you one thing that I know for sure. If you have a camera, which translates to, if you have a cellphone, you will take at least three photos of this face… You will do so from the left, the right and the […]

Why You Should Give Yoga Another Try

It’s easy to think that yoga is something for other people, as your head throbs while you attempt to rest the weight of thirty, forty, fifty years upon it. I kept hearing people say that, while it originated in India, “yoga is for everyone”. It doesn’t discriminate, but […]

How The Cape of Storms Celebrated World Oceans Day

Here in Cape Town, we may live on land, but we live with the ocean. We pass it daily as we move in and around the city, we gaze out over it from mountain peaks, we inhale its cool breeze from the shore and and watch […]

Because Love Has Everything To Do With It

It has been said that there are two types of people in the world. Michael Jackson people and Prince people. Beatles people and Elvis people. Of course, this already makes four different kinds, but let me add two more… Valentine’s Day people and everyone else. I may have uttered […]