How To Make Caviar Using Molecular Gastronomy


A Recipe From Delaire Graff Estate

By Chef Michael Deg of the Delaire Graff Restaurant

We often have different types of homemade ‘caviar’  the menu at Delaire Graff Restaurant, it’s fun to make and we feel guests appreciate the effort we put in making them and they look great, and bring a bit of playfulness to a dish.

With the help of Andre Steyn, our very talented Pastry chef, we have come up with a step by step guide to show how we make our mock caviar. It’s really easy once you have done the process a couple times.

So the caviar we are making at the moment on the menu is Honey, you can easily substitute honey for any other liquid, the golden rule when using agar agar is to always use 1/10th of agar to the liquid you wish to turn in to caviar

Step 1:

The ingredients we need are 100g honey, 10g agar agar, ice cold oil, cold water.


Step 2:

Bring the honey to the boil, when it reaches boiling point whisk in the agar agar, take off the heat


Step 3:

Fill your squeeze bottle with the honey mix and have your cold oil ready.


Step 4:

Slowly pour the honey mix into the oil, drop by drop, take your time.


Step 5:

The pearls should settle at the bottom and let them rest for a couple minutes


Step 6:

Strain the caviar (you can reuse the oil) and gently rinse under cold water, then you can keep them in the fridge in air tight container until you wish to use


Et voila!